Pollution in Panama

So one of the things I was adamant about NOT having in the country I was going to move to was pollution. While every country has pollution, it was a matter of how much in comparison to what I was used to as I can’t handle toxic fumes. And I really wanted less pollution, certainly … Read more

The rain in Panama

One of the things I love about Panama, are the ferocious downpours, the rain in Panama They are soooo primal, it’s wonderful to hear & be around (not get caught in LOL). While I was in Boquete, the rain was very cold, so I don’t suggest you get caught up in that. In Panama city … Read more

Aloe Vera in Panama

So one positive thing about Panama is their Aloe Vera. They use it for a lot of medicinal reasons & the leaves are HUGE. Maybe not as big as in the Orient, but much larger than you see in North America although I haven’t lived in warm climates in the US to know if they … Read more

Bugs in Panama

So the bugs in Panama deserve a post. Many expats get bitten & I don’t mean small bites, I mean lots of bites. Not all expats do, it depends on your body’s chemistry. The more sugar you have in your body, the more it will attract the bugs, but there may be other reasons they … Read more

Nice Security Guard

So I recommend that if you are going to live in Panama without a car, that you get a trolly, stroller or something that carries bags. If you are going to hire a driver, you won’t need this, but if you are taking the bus or taxis & you do more shopping than just going … Read more

Laundry to the rescue

So instead of killing myself lugging laundry all over the place, I decided to ask my landlord’s interpreter to ask the neighbor if he would let me use his washing machine if I gave him $2. Unfortunately the landlord didn’t help & then ignored my text. He’ll rush to answer the phone if he’s collecting … Read more

Toxic Diesel Fumes

So one thing I HATE about Panama is their toxic diesel fumes. In Panama they pretty much don’t care about health at all. Not in the way they eat, use up resources, recycling, etc. They certainly don’t make cars pass fuel emission testing & tons of cars are in need of dire repair & because … Read more

Excuse Me

So I know I’ve said that some people think Panamanians are rude & I’m sure I have a post with examples where they are, but lately I’ve been noticing a lot of Panamanians saying, “excuse me” when they need to get by. I don’t know if it’s only the upper middle class I’m noticing in … Read more

Positives for Today

I just LOVE IT when I meet nice people in Panama. It makes things feel so much better amongst all the negative. One thing I’ve learned to ask when someone goes out of their way to help me, is, “Where are you from, are you Panamanian?” And 9/10 they aren’t from here. If I don’t … Read more

Juan Garcia in Panama

Juan Garcia in Panama who’s name is probably Edwin jgarcia201197@yahoo.com   Juan (Edwin) is a very screwed up individual. I decided to place an ad on Craig’s List to see if I could meet some new people. He starts off normally telling me he has a 7 year old son & he just moved back … Read more