There are some Nice taxi drivers in David, Chiriqui Panama

So the odd time I hear of a very nice story about the locals here in Panama, but you know what, I’m thinking now that most of the time when I hear this, it’s about David.

Now I heard the lawyers are TERRIBLE in David, but I guess the locals are nicer. Go figure. Makes me wish I lived in David LOL

And I thought all the expats are in Boquete & yes, many are, but whenever I go into David, I see & hear expats there too.

Here’s the story from another expat & please support this taxi driver…

“About two years ago, I lost my wallet in a cab. It contained my credit and debit cards, passport, driver’s license, and a hundred dollars in cash. The woman who found it. gave it to the cab driver. The two of them hunted to find me, did find me, reurned my wallet and everything in it, and refused any reward.

Yesterday, the same thing happened to a friend. A woman driver took us to PriceSmart, and he lost his wallet, with all his papers, credit cards, and a hundred in cash, in her car. Security told us she’d returned and tried find him. They thought she’d left his wallet inside the store, but she hadn’t. We couldn’t find her through the cab company, so thought his walllet, and all it contained, was gone forever. But this morning, even though it must have taken her an effort to find us (She’d picked us up on the street.), she showed up on the doorstep to return it.

I know some women prefer using female cab drivers, especially after dark, and all us prefer using honest drivers, so although I don’t know her name, thought I’d give you her phone number. It’s 65800771.”

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