Juan Garcia in Panama who’s name is probably Edwin
Juan (Edwin) is a very screwed up individual. I decided to place an ad on Craig’s List to see if I could meet some new people.
He starts off normally telling me he has a 7 year old son & he just moved back to Panama from the States after his father died, to be closer to his mother. He is starting as an operations manager with a new call center in Panama & he lives in Albrook.
He didn’t ask for a pic, so when he said, “Hey by the way where is my pic!! not fair..” I said, oh, looks like you are looking for sex or a relationship & I’m just looking for friendship right now.
He writes back, “wooooooo!!! where did you get the idea im looking for something serious… omg… Its all good..”
I wrote back saying, “Umm, from the fact that you demanded a pic?
Never mind, not liking the attitude.”
Not very bright, but we know how that is already.
Then he writes back, ”
Well, in true style of Panamanians not understanding much, he then proceeds to SCREAM, “KEEP SCAMMING PEOPLE IN CANADA!! IS THIS GOOD ENOUGH……”
So the logic is that because I told him I didn’t want to have sex or a relationship because he asked for a pic, I’m a scammer. Yeh, that makes TOTAL sense to me LOL
I ignored him, but he then wrote me from this e-mail address joescam95@yahoo.com with… ”