So one thing I HATE about Panama is their toxic diesel fumes.

In Panama they pretty much don’t care about health at all. Not in the way they eat, use up resources, recycling, etc. They certainly don’t make cars pass fuel emission testing & tons of cars are in need of dire repair & because they aren’t being repaired, the toxins they leach is terrible.

Now there is a recycling drop off place here in Panama city, but I don’t think it’s really advertised at all because I only found out about it by accident.

I always laughed at the recycling boxes they sell in the stores here, yet NO ONE recycles.

There’s a small recycling drop off center in Boquete (I was there), but who knows where else they have one.

Anyway, the toxic diesel fumes is really bad for me. That & the toxins they use during construction (way worse than back in Canada) that comes right into my house & I have no choice but to inhale the glues, breath in the cement shards, etc.

It’s now come to a point where I am afraid to be behind a bus because they have THE worst fumes out of all of them, but I have no choice, as I’m not the driver of the taxi. And remember, if the taxi doesn’t have AC, the windows are WIDE open.

Just to prove how bad it is here, I started to have an eye problem back when I first moved to Windsor, Ontario (remember I think I told you how toxic Windsor is, one of THE most polluted cities in all of Canada, maybe North America.

They call it cornea orrosion, I ask what caused it to happen in the first place. It ONLY started in Windsor, I never had this particular health problem before.

It comes & it goes depending on what I eat too.

Normally the pain starts while I’m sleeping & it’s taking longer for me to be able to calm the eye down. To say I’m in extreme pain would be accurate.

Last night I was STILL up & working & suddenly my eye felt that pain. The one thing that happened just before the pain started, was some toxic smell came wafting into my house. I don’t know if they were burning garbage again or WHAT since this was at night time. All I know is I could smell it.

After medicating it with eye bright tea the entire night while sleeping, it still wasn’t completely pain free during the day, & even now the next night it hurts & has been hurting all night off & on.

I can’t wait until I get to Boquete where there is cleaner air. I’m also going to start researching other countries that I’m thinking of moving to, because I can’t deal with these toxins. I already crossed some of the countries off my list because of their pollution problems that they DON’T care about.

Latin America is known for being very toxic!

I just found out from a Lebanese guy that over there they don’t just check the cars for fuel emissions every other year like in Ontario Canada, they bloody well check the cars EVERY year.

Panama, from what I’m hearing, Lebanon has a lot more going for it. But it’s very expensive.

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